Igralište i cjenik / Course and price list


  • Zimsko – Winter time: 8.00 h – 17.00 h
  • Ljetno – Summer time: 07.00 h – 21.00 h


Kralja Držislava 105
21311 Stobreč
Kontakt: uprava@golfsplit.hr

Račun za uplatu: IBAN  HR 7024070001100572239

                                SWIFT CODE: OTPVHR2X





1.     Svaki igrač koji dolazi na vježbalište s namjerom igranja, koji nema plaćenu godišnju ili mjesečnu kartu, mora se prije ulaska u teren javiti u klupsku kućicu nadležnoj osobi i kupiti dnevnu ili mjesečnu ili godišnju kartu za igranje i tek nakon toga ući u igralište.

2.     Zabranjeno je igranje range lopticama u terenu, a loptice se mogu spremiti u torbu jedino radi vraćanja u balomat.

3. Igrač koji želi skupiti range loptice u terenu, može to napraviti s lopticama koje su na udaljenosti do 50 metara od pucališta i to pod uvjetom da ne ometa igrače na driveing rangeu kao i igrače u igralištu. Iza oznake od 50 metara igrači ne smiju skupljati range loptice.

4.     Zabranjeno je korištenje tee off-ova za ispucavanje range loptica i trening.

5.    Zabranjeno je ispucavanje range loptica na greenove i bilo kakvo korištenje greenova za treniranje.

6.     Obveza je svakog igrača nositi pitch maker i popravljati divote na green-ovima, tee-offovima i fairway-u.

7.     Uvijek se pridržavajte pravila i etike golfa te se odjenite u skladu s pravilima odijevanja.

8.     Igrač u terenu uvijek ima prednost u odnosu na igrače koji koriste driving range.

Nikada ne udarajte lopticu na driving range-u  u pravcu igrača u igralištu, a posebno ne prema igraču koji vam je okrenut leđima.

(Etika golfa nalaže da se ne igra loptica dok grupa ispred igrača nije na sigurnoj udaljenosti, radi čega molimo da se ovog pravila držite na cijelom terenu ali i na driving range-u.)

9. Na tee off-u br.1 prednost igranja ima flight koji je u terenu u odnosu na onaj flight ili igrača koji započinje s igrom.

10. Na tee off-u br. 3. i br. 5. prednost igranja ima flight koji je na tee off-u u odnosu na flight koji je u terenu.

11. Igrač koji igra sam na terenu može paralelno igrati s najviše dvije loptice.

12. Zabranjeno je dovođenje pasa ili bilo kojih drugih domaćih životinja na teren.

13. Driving range se zatvara svaki dan jedan sat prije zalaska sunca.

14. Driving range se po potrebi otvara nakon zalaska sunca i radi još jedan sat pod reflektorima, uz uvjet da ga koriste dva i više igrača.

15. Driving range ne radi nedjeljom i praznikom.

16. Na terenu je zabranjeno je igranje „izmišljenih“ rupa.


Za korisnike vježbališta koji se ne pridržavaju ovih pravila, po prijavi,  UO Kluba će donijeti odluku o sankcijama u skladu s Statutom kluba.

Ova pravila usvojio je Upravnog odbor Kluba, na sjednici održanoj dana 13. srpnja 2021. godine.

 Golf klub “Split 1700”

Predsjednik: Vicencije Biuk



1 . Every golfer who comes to the golf course to play, but has not paid an annual or monthly ticket, must report to the golf house before entering the field and buy a daily, monthly or annual ticket before entering the course.

2. It is forbidden to play driving range balls in the field, and the balls can be stored in the bag only to return to the golf ball dispenser.

3. A golfer who wishes to collect driving range balls on the course may do so with balls up to 50 meters from the shooting area, provided that he/she does not interfere with the golfers in the driving range as well as the golfers on the course. Beyond the 50-meter mark, golfers are not allowed to collect driving range balls.

4. It is forbidden to use teeing grounds for shooting driving range balls and training.

5. It is forbidden to shoot driving range balls on greens and any use of greens for training.

6. Every golfer must have a pitch marker and fix the divots (ball marks) on the greens, teeing grounds and fairway.

7. Always follow the rules and ethics of golf and dress according to the golf dress code.

8. A golfer on the course always has the right-of-way over golfers who use the driving range.

Never hit the ball on the driving range in the direction of the player on the course, and especially not towards the golfer with his/her back to you.

(The ethics of golf dictates that the ball is not played until the group in front of the golfer is at a safe distance, so please follow this rule throughout the course but also in the driving range.)

9. On teeing ground No. 1, the right-of-way for playing has the flight that is already on the course over the flight or the golfer who starts the round.

10. On teeing ground No. 3. and No. 5. the right-of-way for playing has the flight that is on the teeing ground over the flight that is on the course.

11. A golfer who plays alone on the course may play simultaneously a maximum of two balls.

12. It is forbidden to bring dogs or any other pets to the course.

13. The driving range closes every day one hour before sunset.

14. The driving range opens after sunset if needed and runs for another hour under the spotlight, provided it is used by two or more golfers.

15. The driving range does not work on Sundays and holidays.

16. It is forbidden to play “imaginary” holes on the field.

Golf klub “Split 1700”

Club president: Vicencije Biuk

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